An adorable and gifted three-year-old sings the national anthem flawlessly… Watch the video here!


Drake was only three years old, but he already had the beginnings of a great Eagle.

The young child performed the National Anthem with affection and adoration, creating historic at Syracuse’s Carrier Dome.

He seems unsettled and has just completely memorized the national anthem.

How nice and exceptional. Even the most basic and obvious statements are difficult for most children to recall when they are young.

I assume I ate mud when I was three. Drake is a brilliant and stunning young guy who finds it difficult to sing before such a large number of people.

The brave child shows no signs of worry; contrary, he looks to be having a fantastic time being the focus of attention.

This is how you raise a child to be successful on different social media sites.

Nothing can shake this three-year-confidence old’s after performing the National Anthem in front of over 6,000 people at Syracuse’s Carrier Dome.

This cutie is a superb performer, so brace yourself for a charm overdose.

View the video and enjoy his angelic voice and his performnace. Share this cutie story with your loved ones.

Good Info
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