This was extremely beautiful coming from someone with so much experience of life.
I had the sensation that I could feel every peak and every down in her life as she sang the song.
Nita, a 93-year-old Memphis native, plays « One Day at a Time » brilliantly, showcasing how she fostered a passion for music in her grandkids.
She retains that love inside of her. According to the video, two members of the family accompanied her in playing guitar to the religious hymn One Day at a Time, composed by Marijohn and Kris.
The title song is appropriate given that it emphasizes trust and the path of life.
Nevertheless, when our parents and grandparents become older, religion may play a very important role in their lives.
While the youth of today is less religious, this may alter as they age.
Some people are motivated in life by their ideas. Even people who are not religious are moved to tears when they see this granny sing with her family.
She initially looked to be uninterested. She was originally indifferent, but quickly began singing back.
The woman’s vast variety of feelings as she sang demonstrated that she had lived a full life.
She also appeared to be pretty joyous. Here’s a link to the clip which you can watch and merely enjoy and just love.