Meet Cocoa Puff, a bunny the size of a dog! Here’s the whole tale!


A family maintains a bunny as a pet since they feel they will be unable to maintain a dog or a cat in their small house.

Maisie, the family’s youngest daughter, yearned for a pet. The girl is quite fond of pets.

They seemed to have no clue the bunny would mature into such a huge and beautiful pet.

The bunny’s nickname was Cocoa Puff. She is really gorgeous and cute. These creatures are around the size of dogs and cats.

Seatle is the home of the animal. The owners of the large bunny states that the bunny gets along well with their kid.

They adore spending time together. The bunny is a devoted and caring friend. They spent six months training the rabbit in obedience.

The lovely bun does not eat anything since she is very wise. A lot of rabbits gnaw on power wires and computer connections.

The bun adores food pellets, 2 huge bowl of vegetables, and straw.

The creature likes being outdoors and getting some fresh air.

The gigantic rabbit worries none of the relatives. The bun is the focus of attention at all times and is regarded as a member of the family.

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