The sentence translates to: « Amazing twins who have changed over the years. How have the girls changed in 13 years? »


Marcy and Millie were born extremely similar. The sisters shared identical eyes, noses, and hair.However, as they grew up, their appearances changed. Marcy became fair-skinned with light brown hair, while Millie had dark skin and a brunette complexion.

One could imagine that the girls belong to different nationalities. However, they are sisters, even twins. All because mother Amanda is English and father Michael is Jamaican.

Despite their obvious differences, a woman and a man fell in love and started a family.Michael and Amanda became parents shortly after their wedding. Beautiful but peculiar girls were born.

The husband and wife even joked about it. They said that one was the mother’s daughter and the other was the father’s daughter.Because in fact, the infants resembled the adults. This characteristic boosted the family’s popularity.

Fashion magazines have published family photos and essays. Marcy and Millie are currently thirteen years old.

They are average teenagers who go to school and hang out with their friends. The older sisters have changed physically, but not their preferences.

The girls prefer to read the same books and watch the same movies.

Moreover, they are the same sisters who like to dress alike. Nevertheless, the sisters’ personalities are very different.

According to the parents, « Millie is more shy and self-centered, and Marcy is a cheeky little monkey. »

Regardless of how different the girls are, they remain sisters.

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